Pdakoo.com is a platform developed by KKS Pvt. Ltd. to give you the most comprehensive preparation platform for all exams. Our aim is to provide our candidates with end-to-end preparation so that they can achieve their goals.

PDAKOO.com : A Blended solution for next Generation Learners. PDAKOO.com is an engaging blend of radiational and online e-learning platform in this new-age.

In order to help our students prepare efficiently for various exams, we offer all types of Board Exams and Competitive Exam like- UPSC , SSC , BANK , RAILWAY ,Defence Etc. We provide Online Exams, Practice Sets, Quizzes, Comprehensive Study Material specially designed by our subject-experts and latest pattern test series with in-depth performance analysis so that they can identify themselves. be able to establish true potential and a successful career.

We are providing the service of this online test completely without any charge that means all the services through this platform are free. We are aiming to be India’s #1 trusted brand for exam preparation, so that more and more students can become successful.vWe do not hope but have full faith that the facilities being provided by this platform will play an absolutely necessary role as per your requirement.

If you face any problem in taking our services or want to give any suggestion, then you can also contact through contact@pdakoo.com OR Contact Us page.


Most frequent questions and answers
Joining Pdakoo is absolutely free! You can learn with Online and Live Classes, Concepts and Stories for every topic in your syllabus. You can try it out to see how Pdakoo works. To take full advantage of our platform, you will have to subscribe to a paid package.
At Pdakoo we have broken down studying into 4 parts:
– The Learn section gives you hundreds of hours of video classes, concept notes and study material.
– The Practice section adapts to your progress and gives you the right questions, sets and adaptive tests to practice.
– In the Doubts section you can ask a question and a tutor will respond to you instantly. You can even upload a picture of your question.
– The Tests section gives you real exam practice and lets you compete with lakhs of students from around the country.

Pdakoo has a question bank that has more than 2 lakh questions, with hints, solutions. Pdakoo has more than 500 hours of video lectures and concept notes. These are neatly organised into chapters and topics. Also depending on your progress Pdakoo shows you exactly what you need right now. So with Pdakoo, everything you need is available at the tap of a button. You will never need a book!

Unlike other test-centric platforms, Pdakoo.com offers a highly-personalized experience according to your level of preparation. Built with a strong question bank of over 1 lakh, it makes the journey special for each student. Pdakoo helps students measure how much syllabus they have covered. Instant feedback reports and strength/weakness analysis decide their next course of action. Our website offers an interactive medium that lets a large student community communicate with each other to compare, discuss and get feedback.